Casey's Birdcage

Concrete Bar

Casey - Lucis' Parrot
Casey is a 7 year old Congo African Grey Parrot. He was born during the flood of '93 and his full name is "Chaos", we call him Casey for short. Casey has an attitude as if you couldn't tell by just looking at him. He thinks he is king of the entire house and doesn't like anyone except me. I am his sweetie and the only person in the whole world who is allowed to touch his highness. <grin> Casey's favorite sayings are "Want some corn?", "Bad Bird!", "Hello", "Want a treat?" "Parity Error", "Good Morning", "Scratch head". Casey mumbles alot and is not much of a vocalist. Casey's favorite activity is trying to bite his own shadow. When that fails to amuse him he likes to attack his toys violently with gleeful shrieks of terror to put the fear of Casey into them before they die. If something displeases his "highness", Casey will scold it furiously with a loud clicking sound.

Concrete Bar

Ode to Phydeaux

Ode to my late dog, Phydeaux.

Concrete Bar

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