Fire Escape's Gothic Scupture Collection

All these images have been collected from the net. I will credit the artists where I know them. If you see your art or images included and would like them either credited or removed, just drop me an
e-mail and let me know which one(s) are yours.

Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Walter S. Arnold, Sculptor
Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor
Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor
Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor
Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor

Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor

Frederic Leuesque, Sculptor
Andrij Didenko, Sculptor
Andrij Didenko, Sculptor
Design Toscano Gargoyles
Design Toscano Gargoyles
Andrij Didenko, Sculptor
Andrij Didenko, Sculptor
Sandra Lira, Sculptor
Sandra Lira, Sculptor
Patrick Rankin, Sculptor
Patrick Rankin, Sculptor
Jeff Coleman
Jeff Coleman, Sculptor
Jan Repa, Sculptor
Jan Repa, Sculptor
Design Toscano Gargoyles
Design Toscano Gargoyles
Irving Gargoyle, Artist Unknown
Classique Structure, Italian Dog Gargoyle
Classique Structure
Gothic Arts Worldwide, Winged Pig Gargoyle
Gothic Arts Worldwide
Jeff Coleman, Sculptor
Jeff Coleman, Sculptor

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