Omar's Birdcage

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Omar - Fire Escape's Parrot
Omar is a 7 year old Congo African Grey Parrot. He was born on February 7th, 1992. Omar is a special needs bird and emotionally challenged. Omar has no eyelids (a birth defect) and self-mutilates his feathers (a nervous disorder). Although he is not much to look at, Omar is a happy and sweet loving bird. He never stops talking or playing and seems to have a boundless supply of energy. Omar's favorite sayings are "Whooo Hooo!", "G'nite Omar", "I love you", "Come Here", "Step Up", "Goochie Goochie Goo!", "Doh!", "Heyyyy Baaaaaaby!", "Water" (followed by water plinking noises), "You want out?", "You goober", "You butt head", "What cha ya doin' ?", "Good Morning!", "Buh Bye!", "Scratch head", and "Parity error". He has also become quite good at doing the car alarm as well. Omar can also whistle the theme to Star Trek-TNG, the opening to Beethoven's 5th Symphony, the theme from the Andy Griffith and Carol Burnett shows as well as many others. He even likes to improvise and has a good sence of rhythm and melody. His favorite activity is swinging himself wildly on his birdie swing while whistling and singing to himself.

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